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Watch this video and more on SIMA ACADEMY

Cross World

English • 6m 7s

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    The Affordable Care Act explicitly denies undocumented immigrants access to healthcare. While laws in California have now made healthcare available for undocumented young people, undocumented adults continue to be excluded. COVER/AGE follows an elderly caregiver and a policy advocate in the campa...

  • Climate Solver: Solar Turtle

    A SolarTurtle is a small or micro for-profit business operating close or inside a poor or rural community to provide the same services as a standard utility provider. Unlike standard utilities, SolarTurtles rely on renewable energy (RE) to generate the electricity sold to their customers. The Sol...

  • Clear As Day: The Free Tech Saving Th...

    How do you tackle a global health problem that’s largely treatable, but the tools to diagnose it can’t reach its victims? Maybe an app is the answer. Meet Nitin Shrivastava, an M.D. Candidate at the University of Massachusetts Medical School who’s using a free app called CRADLE to diagnose Retino...