The first installment of Invisible Thread, an ongoing Early Light Media passion project series, Throw, presented by tells the story of an outsider from East Baltimore, an area challenged by gang violence and poverty. Often misunderstood, Coffin Nachtmahr found acceptance among a subculture of “throwers” and it turns out, he’s a virtuoso. He now helps others find a creative and social outlet by sharing the very toy that inspired him.
Director: Darren Durlach
Producers: Jody Weldon, Coffin Machtmahr, Alexander Glass
2016 | 10 min
Language: English
Up Next in Health
The Promise of Gene Therapy
When doctors told Karen Aiach there was no cure for her daughter’s brain disease, she took matters into her own hands. With no scientific background, she created a gene therapy business that can fix the faulty genes in patients like her daughter. Now she’s racing against the clock to extend her d...
The Mess
As Ellice gets low, her room gets messy - she never sees it coming, but it always happens. There seems to be no way to break out of the endless highs or lows that make up bipolar, or even to pick up her clothes up off the floor.
Director: Dorothy Allen-Pickard
Producers: Lauren Pringle
4 min | U... -
The Invisibles
Over 200,000 migrant laborers, mostly from Africa, work in Italy’s fields. After being exploited for years, the global pandemic made these farmworkers “essential” overnight — but without labor rights or even access to basic sanitation, they are living and working in conditions that have been desc...