The documentary revolves around five fascinating individuals who were once homeless on the streets of London, and now lead the Unseen city walking tours as guides along familiar streets. The guides explore unseen aspects of iconic places in London, sharing quirky historical facts combined with personal, 'unseen' stories of sleeping rough in these areas - opening up cultural spaces on two distinct levels.
Director: Upneet Kaur-Nagpal
2012 | 20 min
Language: English
Up Next in Homelessness
The Best and Worst of Us
A photojournalist, during lockdown in Cape Town, documents a strange and conflicted society and discovers his own sense of morality during a time of great hardship.
Director: Jasyn Howes
Producers: Jasyn Howes and Anna Telford
2020 | 16 min
Cape Town
Language: EnglishFILMMAKER Q&A:
https://sim... -
Heal Paradise
Pristine nature, widespread school campuses, Institute for visually challenged, a health center, an artificial limb center, a neatly built food mess, spacious dorms, open playground and more - well this is how HEAL PARADISE looks like. No one would believe this to be an orphanage when they enter ...
73 Questions
A 73-question interview with Steve Jones about being on the streets of San Francisco.
Director: Leah Nichols
Producer: Leah Nichols
2017 | 10 mins | USA
Languages: English
Subtitles: EnglishFILMMAKER Q&A: