Big Dreams: A Tale of Resilience
SDG 2: Zero Hunger
This story follows the life of Jerry, an innovative young Nigerian son of a farmers who strives to achieve his dream of building a fast car. A dream his parents saw as a waste of time, to achieve his dream He started to fabricate farm machines for his father and farmers in his community as he continued to research and improve his skill to achieve his dream.
Supported by One World Media
Director: Twamsan Danaan
2022 | 30 min
Language: English and Hausa
Subtitles: English
Up Next in SDG 2: Zero Hunger
Tashi and The Monk
On a remote mountaintop a brave social experiment is taking place. Former Buddhist monk Lobsang was trained under the guidance of His Holiness the Dalai Lama and has created a unique community in the foothills of the Himalayas which rescues orphaned and neglected children. Five-year-old Tashi is ...
“If not us, who will protect our territories? Who will manage our territories?”
Indonesian Indigenous Youth called their fellow brothers living in the cities and finished their studies back to the community. They called it the ‘Homecoming movement.
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Yukon Kings
Set in the remote Alaskan Yukon Delta, Yukon Kings follows Yup'ik fisherman Ray Waska as he teaches his grandkids how to fish during the summer salmon run. With environmental and cultural forces threatening their subsistence way of life, Ray holds onto the hope that his grandsons will one day pas...