SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation

Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all.

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SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
  • World and Me

    The boy who takes the water with difficulty, gives the water back to nature.

    Director & Producer: Eldor Kudratillayev

    2021 | 2 min


    Languages: None

    Subtitles: None

  • Water is Life

    On the banks of Louisiana, fierce Indigenous women are ready to fight—to stop the corporate blacksnake and preserve their way of life. They are risking everything to protect Mother Earth from the predatory fossil fuel companies that seek to poison it.

    Director: Sam Vinal
    24 min | USA
    Languages: ...

  • Water & Coltan (VR/360)

    Water & Coltan deals with the consequences of mining on landscape and communities in West Germany and DR Congo. While WATER sketches posthuman near-future scenarios for the former coal mining Ruhr area, COLTAN transports its audience directly to the places of exchange and work of women in artisan...

  • Rain Harvests

    Rain Harvests, exposes the harsh reality of an indigenous community in Huehuetenango, Guatemala. Climate change has caused droughts, the rainy season comes only once a year and getting water has become a daily challenge. Without fail, the women of this community must make nearly 5 trips daily to ...

  • Out of Plastic

    Out of Plastic is a documentary film that sets out to explore the obscure depths of plastics in the Mediterranean. The film is set in the Balearic Islands, and offers viewers a moment to reflect on the profound presence of plastic in our lives and in our natural environment. The film also offers ...

  • Mother Of All Rivers

    Narrated by Robert Redford, Mother of All Rivers illustrates how one person can effect extraordinary change. In a country with growing socioeconomic inequality and human rights violations, Berta Cáceres rallied her indigenous Lenca people, waging a grassroots campaign to successfully pressure the...

  • Isle De Jean Charles

    This short film offers a portrait of the Isle de Jean Charles, a tiny island deep in the bayou’s of Southern Louisiana. The film explores the changes taking place on the island through the lives of two residents whose families are facing a future where rising seas, coastal erosion and storms are ...

  • Green Gold

    As the global demand for the super food avocados has soared, Chile has become the world’s third largest exporter of avocados. But the community of Petorca, in northern Chile say drought and the insatiable appetite for avocados has brought desperate water shortages.

    This film explores the quiet...

  • Gold of Agriculture

    Gold of Agriculture is a documentary shot in the suburbs of Mozambique´s capital city Maputo. In the film, several beneficiaries of WaterAid´s project Kubabasisa Muganga share their experiences. Covering all aspects of this experiences, the film starts off with stories of how their first perceive...

  • Don't Frack Around in Florida

    Food & Water Watch is a lead organization on the steering committee of the statewide coalition, Floridians Against Fracking. Fracking and drilling associated with unconventional extraction of oil and natural gas poses a direct and immediate threat to the drinking water, air, food, health, wildlif...

  • Dayaks and Drones

    Even a well-managed, recognised forest faces constant challenges but innovative drone GPS technology, cooperative campaigning, local government support and eco-tourism are helping the Setulang people thrive. They have shown that community rights, the environment and development go hand in hand.


  • Break Free Newcastle

    On the day the 2016 Australian election was called more than 2,000 people shut down the world’s largest coal port for a day. Kayakers blocked the Newcastle harbour entrance while others blocked a critical rail crossing. These protests were part of a global movement of people standing up to say no...

  • Beyond the Pipeline

    UN Special Rapporteur of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples meets the Standing Rock Sioux leadership and community in March 2017 after months of protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline.

    On the 10th anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, the campaign has come to repr...

  • Baseball In The Time of Cholera

    Baseball in the Time of Cholera is a powerful insight into the tragedy and scandal of Haitis Cholera Epidemic through the eyes of a young baseball player.

    Directors: David Darg & Bryn Mooser
    2012 | 28 min
    Haiti | Canada

  • Across The Tracks

    One year on from the launch of the Clean India campaign, with its ambitious target of a toilet for every household by 2019, WaterAid explores how something as simple as a toilet can help transform lives. Radha Verma, determined to protect her daughter after she narrowly escapes a physical attack,...

  • A Gentle Giant

    Known to grow to the size of a small dog and live to 40 years old, the giant Tasmanian freshwater lobster is the largest of its kind in the entire world, but its home is being destroyed by sediment runoff from logging. However, there is hope – Todd Walsh the lobster man has grown up with this cr...